iOS News

iOS News

I am genuinely grateful for all the feedback I have received. Thank you!

If you see something that could be improved, please reach out

via e-mail, Reddit Community or Twitter 👍

Version 2.25 🚀 

New Today’s Queue Widget

A new widget shows the contents of the next card from Today’s Queue. Great way to nudge you from your home screen 👍

Developer Logs


We’ve added the ability to see some logs from the app to make debugging issues easier — this will be expanded with each release with more tools and additional logs.

Lots of bug fixes

• Notion: Fix Spaced Repetition Cards • Notion: Customize Column name • Notion: test your Token when saving • Markdown: Fix Logseq Cards • Markdown: Fix full pages

That's it!

❤️ 🧠 


Version 2.24 🚀 

Card Priorities

You can set a priority for each card (1, 2, 3, 4). During the review, the cards are sorted using the primary sorting (oldest, newest, random, least remembered) and then by priority.

Priorities allow you to set focus on specific areas during your reviews 👍

You can also use the Decks tab to set priorities on whole decks quickly


New Sync Folder UI + set type manually (Obsidian/Logseq)

We’ve heard you 😇 NeuraCache doesn’t do a good job of detecting if your markdown folder is from Obsidian or Logseq — this disables important features:

  • Go to note in Obsidian/Logseq
  • show Obsidian/Logseq icons 😍

We've fixed it. You can set the type of folder manually 👍 no more guessing.


That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.23 🚀 


This release is all about Notion 🙂 ❤️


So far, NeuraCache has offered only a basic integration with Notion using Notion Databases.

This approach allowed us to generate many textual cards quickly but failed with anything more complex.

Today, this is changing 🥳

We have done a complete overhaul of our Notion integration which now supports

  • Databases and Pages
  • Toggles as flashcards
  • Quotes/Callouts as cards

So much changed that instead of listing it here — we have completely re-written our Notion documentation.

👉 See our new “Step by Step” tutorials here

Also, there are a couple of smaller bug fixes and design tweaks 👍

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.22 🚀 

Redesigned Decks tab (easily start/stop decks) ⏯

Sometimes you want to archive some of the cards, or your Today’s Queue gets too big. Now, you can quickly stop/start Spaced Repetition on any combination of decks — and start it again if needed.

Show card in Obsidian ➡️ 👀

Finally, if your card is recognized as coming from the Obsidian vault — you can tap “Show in Obsidian” to see/edit your card in the Obsidian app 👌


Unreviewed Queue on Home screen ❓

You can now easily access a queue of all your unreviewed cards 👍


Also, there are couple of smaller bug fixes and design tweaks 👍

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.21 🚀 

Markdown: Observe multiple folders 🗂 👀


You can now observe multiple folders on your device. This comes in handy in many situations — e.g. when combining various systems like Logseq + Obsidian.

Logseq/Obsidian icons:


NeuraCache tries to determine if the folder you are observing is Obsidian or Logseq and adds icons to cards coming from that folder ❤️  You can include “obsidian” or “logseq” somewhere in the path of the folder you are observing (case insensitive) to help NeuraCache in detection.

Logseq: deep link to a page


From every card detected as Logseq card you can now go to the page in the Logseq app.

The card needs to be from a sync folder for this to work.

If you want to deep link to cards coming from the journal — you need to set the “Preffered date format” to “yyyy_MM_dd” in Logseq 👍  (Settings → Editor)

Logseq: Batch cards and official support for indented cards

Logseq is quickly becoming a force in the PKM space. It’s an outliner that stores the structure of its connected bullets as indented markdown.

NeuraCache 2.21 brings official support for indented markdown ❤️ 

See our official doc 👉 here

Now, that we support indented structures we’ve added support for Batch cards

We’ve introduced batch cards for Roam Research a few years ago, now its time to bring them to Logseq 👍

Here is the problem they solve

In Logseq, when you want to define a bunch of cards, repeating all the tags becomes tedious e.g. :

• Bohr Radius Equation? #flashcard #chemistry #l4cl1 #fav
	• $$a_0 = \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e ke^2 }}$$
• Radii of stable orbits in the Bohr model Equation? #flashcard #chemistry #l4cl1 #fav
	• $$r = n^2 \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e kZe^2 }} = n^2 \frac{{a_0 }}{Z}$$

With batch cards you can write the same structure like this:

• #flashcard #chemistry #l4cl1 #fav
	• Bohr Radius Equation? 
		• $$a_0 = \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e ke^2 }}$$
	• Radii of stable orbits in the Bohr model Equation?
		• $$r = n^2 \frac{{\hbar ^2 }}{{m_e kZe^2 }} = n^2 \frac{{a_0 }}{Z}$$

So that you only need to define tags once 👌 

P.S - the same goes for highlights/quotes with a #spaced tag, e.g. :

• #spaced #my_book
	• Quote 1
	• "highlight 1"
		• some thoughts about that highlight

Also, there are couple of smaller bug fixes and design tweaks 👍

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


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