YAML Headers

YAML Headers

YAML Headers are only available on iOS at the moment

YAML headers are a convenient way of attaching metadata to a file's contents (e.g., source, tags, status).

This is especially handy in Obsidian, which uses YAML headers for its properties.


Under the hood, Obsidian properties are stored as YAML header which is defined as below in a markdown file (If you are not using Obsidian, you could just use pure YAML in your editor)

  - tag1
  - tag2
  - value1

NeuraCache looks for “tags” key and if it finds it, it applies the tags to all cards in that file. This is very similar to “tag groups” introduced earlier — the only difference is that its much easier to manage these tags via Obsidian properties.


Question 1 #flashcard #tagA #tagB #tagC
Answer 1

Question 2 #flashcard #tagA #tagB #tagC
Answer 2

Question 3 #flashcard #tagA #tagB #tagC
Answer 3

is the same as

	- tagA
	- tagB
	- tagC

Question 1 #flashcard
Answer 1

Question 2 #flashcard
Answer 2

Question 3 #flashcard
Answer 3

That’s it


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