
Older News

Version 2.20 🚀 

Markdown: “Single Source of Truth”

Finally, your Obsidian / Logseq vault (or any folder) can act as a single source of truth.

NeuraCache will update/create and delete cards to match the folder that is selected via “Select Folder to Observe” 👌 

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Markdown: Support for Full Pages

NeuraCache can now import/show full markdown pages if you wish 📄

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Study Deck Operations OR / AND


When using the Study tab, you can select multiple decks to study — the selection you’ve made would take all the cards from all the selected decks.

This is known as the OR operation — e.g. Take all cards that belong to Deck1 OR Deck2 OR Deck3 ...

With NeuraCache 2.20, you can switch to AND operation — so that NeuraCache will only show you the cards that have all the selected tags — e.g. Take all cards that belong to Deck1 AND Deck2 AND Deck3 ...

Other features

  • Ignore Emoji Flashcards switch When enabled, NeuraCache will ignore ⚡️ and 🧠 cards during sync/import
  • Support for ### ## # in flashcard Previously when you’ve used headers in question — things were breaking. This is fixed now
  • Evernote: Skip blank cards Empty cards are no longer synced — NeuraCache just ignores them
  • Improved Latex Support We’ve added greater support for more complex equations

Also, there are couple of smaller bug fixes and design tweaks 👍

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.19 🚀

Front of the card with Rich Content


In NeuraCache, you could only have a single line of text as a question. That was very limiting 😅 Starting from 2.19, the card's front can be as complex as the back of the card — that means images, latex, code blocks, bullet lists, etc.

Front/Back Strategies


With the upgrade of the front card, we are also introducing Front/Back strategies — which are, simply speaking — different ways of reversing the card during the review.

Consider this card: Question: "how to delete staged files in git" Answer: "git clean -nfd"

It makes sense when reversed.

Question: "git clean -nfd" Answer: "how to delete staged files in git"

You can choose between strategies

  • Always Front — default
  • Flip after answer — it flips front with back each time you answer the card
  • Random — chooses front/back randomly
  • Always Back — the back of the card always acts as a question

Markdown: New spec for two sided cards

With the introduction of the rich content for front of the card, the regular flashcard spec which was designed with a single line question in mind — is simply not sufficient

Question (single text line) #flashcard #tag1 #tag2
Answer (images, latex, codeblocks, etc)
- - -

So with 2.19 we are introducing a new spec for Rich Content (the old spec works as previously)

#flashcard #tag1 #tag2
Question (images, latex, codeblocks, etc)
- - -
Answer (images, latex, codeblocks, etc)
- - - 

Export Local Cards to .csv

You can now export your Local Cards to a .csv file.

The import from .csv feature is already there 👍

Notion: Latex Support


We’ve added support to Notion equations.


Fixed issues on Evernote & Notion indentation 👌

Thank you for reporting! 🙂

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.18 🚀

Markdown: Customizable #flashcard & #spaced tags 🏷


You no longer need to rely on pre-defined #flashcard & #spaced tags — make them your own 👌

Markdown: Introducing Tag Groups 🏷

If you ever wanted to create a bunch of flashcards with the same tags — you already know the pain 😅  — the only way to achieve that was to tag all cards with the same tags. E.g.

max speed of a cat :: 30 mph #flashcard #cats #animal #nature
is cat a tiger? :: genetically 95.6% #flashcard #cats #animal #nature

Starting from 2.18 there is a new "Tag Group" tag — #tags — for the rescue. The above becomes:

#tags #cats #animal #nature

max speed of a cat :: 30 mph #flashcard 
is cat a tiger? :: genetically 95.6% #flashcard

Every flashcard and spaced card beneath the #tags will have all the tags attached until the end of the file or next tag group.

The tag group marker — #tags — needs to be at the start of the line.

So a more complex example would look like this:

#tags #cats #animal #nature

max speed of a cat :: 30 mph #flashcard 
is cat a tiger? :: genetically 95.6% #flashcard

#tags #dog #pics

- - -

Ok, enough about cats and dogs — I need to get to work

#tags #kotlin

How to group elements of an array? #flashcard
val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four", "five")
println(numbers.groupBy { it.first().toUpperCase() })

{O=[one], T=[two, three], F=[four, five]}

How to define a final class? :: classes are final by default ⚡️

My daily notes
- todo: buy brocolli

Obsidian image link support with sizes 🏞

You could use images with Obsidian already, but you would need to turn off the Wikilinks setting or change them manually 😔

To remove this friction, we now fully support both types of links 🙌  😁

![[my image.png]] - typical Obsidian image link

![](my image.png) - typical Markdown image link

We have also added a full support for image sizes. E.g. :

![[my image.png|200]]

![[my image.png|100x100]]

![alias|200](my image.png)


Fixed issues on the nested markdown tags and design 👌

Thank you for reporting! 🙂

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.17 🚀

Redesigned hero element 😎


We wanted to standardize the design language of the memory state — simple, coherent across the whole app and reflect what it is — it's alive. Here is the result 😎  🟣

Multi-select on Study tab


You can now select multiple tags/folders to study. Tap to select, tap again to deselect. This allows you to review any combination of decks easily.

New sound on bad answer

We've added a different sound for 🔴  responses during the review.

Simple, but it does make a difference.


Fixed issues on the Widget, Study tab and Sync 👌

Thank you for reporting! 🙂

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.16 🚀

Today's Queue Widget 😎


We love iOS widgets 🥰 With this version, we are introducing our first widget — Today's Queue 🛹 Tap the widget to access the queue for today. You can also see your current streak and frost 👌

We have more widgets in the pipeline, so stay tuned.

Revamped Notion integration

This version makes our Notion integration much more powerful 💪

You no longer need to share each database explicitly with NeuraCache. It's sufficient to share just the top-most page, and NeuraCache will look through all databases which are the children 👶 to this page.


To make it even more seamless — there is a new switch, "Auto-Sync New Databases," which will sync automatically any new database that you attach to the parent page (shared with NeuraCache).


We have also introduced "Named Columns" so that you can have multiple columns and tell NeuraCache exactly which one holds the "Question", "Content" and "Tags" — so that NeuraCache doesn't need to guess 😁


"Use Named Columns Only" tells NeuraCache to sync only databases which have columns explicitly named "Question", "Content" and "Tags" — allowing you to have regular databases under pages which you share with NeuraCache.


Finally, you can now create regular spaced repetition cards 🧠 (cards that don't have a question, see image above) — this is great for highlights, thoughts, etc. To create a regular card — leave the "Question" column empty or use a single column marked as "Content".

We know this is a lot to digest 🙂 — we are working on a walkthrough video 🎥 showing the current Notion flow in all its glory

Pull down to sync ⬇️


This feature should have been there a long time ago 😅 Instead of searching for a sync button on the sources page — pull down the list ⬇️ — this will initiate sync on all your connected integrations.

Remember that the sync happens automatically in the background every couple of hours 👍 — so no need to overuse it 😇

Next batch after the limit

When you have reached the cap for today set by the "Queue Daily Limit" feature — tap on the "Today's Queue" again. If there are more cards — NeuraCache will offer the next batch to review, capped again by "Queue Daily Limit".

iOS 15 & bugfixes

We have fixed a bunch of smaller issues and prepared the app for iOS 15 💪

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.15 🚀

iPad Support and Notion Beta

These two features have been on our roadmap for a long time. Finally, Notion Beta API is here, and so is basic NeuraCache integration. We are planning on expanding it to pages as well 👌

Along with Notion, we've added another big feature — support for iPads ❤️

Here is a quick demo showing them together in action (NeuraCache using iPad side mode)

Export/Import card progress to/from a file 📁

You can now export and import your progress (from all integrations, no content, just algorithm progress). This comes useful when changing phones or creating backups.


That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.14 🚀

Just one feature this time 🙃 but super important

Code Block Support 👨🏻‍💻

it works with Roam Research, Markdown, Evernote (full notes), and Local Cards.

We use it internally to learn about Kotlin and Swift.

👀 video 👇


That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.13 🚀

Evernote Spaced Repetition Card (1-Column)

Most of our Evernote users rely on 2-Column tables to create their Flashcards. With 2.13, we are introducing a 1-Column table — which creates a pure Spaced Repetition Card (a card without question). This is great for a variety of use-cases like reflection, quotes, highlights, etc.


Evernote Highlights

You can now use Evernote Highlights / 2-column / 1-column tables simultaneously in a single note. Each element of the note will be extracted to an individual card. You can use "Ignore .. " switches to control what gets recognized 👍


OneNote Spaced Repetition Card (⭐️ tag)

With 2.13, we are introducing a ⭐️ tag — which creates a pure Spaced Repetition Card (a card without question). This is great for a variety of use-cases like reflection, quotes, highlights, etc. To use it — tag the first line of your Spaced Repetition Card 👍


Review Flow: Re-Review Red "After few cards"

Typically during the review flow, you would review your 🔴 cards at the end.

With 2.13, you can push cards "after few cards" so that at the end, there is nothing to re-review 👌


Markdown: Support for nested tags in one-liners

Now you can use nested tags with your one-liners. e.g. #lecture/lesson (Bear and Obsidian have support for nested tags 👍 )

Sorting: Oldest First

We've added a new way of sorting your cards 👌

That's it!

❤️ 🧠


Version 2.12 🚀

.CSV Support

Sometimes you want to keep things simple — .CSV files are super simple 👌

You can use Google Sheets, Excel or even plain text files to create your cards.

See this Google Sheet as an example:


That's it. Three columns.


How to import 👆 ?

  1. File → Download → .csv
  2. Open NeuraCache → import .csv

Markdown: Obsidian "Fold Indent" support

Many of our users use Obsidian "Fold-Indent" to structure their cards.

This is now correctly supported in NeuraCache 👌


Markdown: One-Liner separator (: or ::)

You can now choose between ":" and "::" for your one-liner separator 👌


Markdown: New card serves as - - - during import

Previously you would need to finish each card with a horizontal rule "- - -" for each card to be recognized correctly. Starting with 2.12 you can now use other cards as an indicator where the previous card ends. This makes a lot of sense in files where you only keep cards only. See example below 👇

before 2.12


no need for "- - -" in 2.12+


Evernote & OneNote: "Ignore Full Notes" Switch

This should have been there a long time ago 😅

If you enable this switch, NeuraCache will skip full notes.

NeuraCache will sync only two-column tables (Evernote) and tagged cards (OneNote).

This is great if you want to re-use your existing notebooks/sections/tags but don't want to clutter NeuraCache with existing notes.

Version 2.11 🚀

Big update folks, here we go:

iCloud Backup

All your Local NeuraCache notes, along with Tags, are backed up to your iCloud account 👍

All card progress from all other integrations is backed up on the iCloud (not the notes themselves).

iCloud backup allows you to move the data between the phones and ensure your data is safe for the future. We will also be adding an "Export" feature to store the data locally where you choose.


⭐️ Favourites

This is a no-brainer 🙃🧠 You can favorite any card and then access them quickly via the study tab.


Share Text to NeuraCache

This feature has the most significant implications. It enables many new workflows that were not possible previously.

👉 You can share any text directly to the NeuraCache app

NeuraCache app will create a Flashcard or a Regular Card without a need to open up the app 👌 The card will come back to you via Spaced Repetition automatically.

Remember all those insights you encounter on your mobile? now you can make them work for you 👍

See this example of sharing a Kindle Highlight to the NeuraCache app 👇

Queue/Deck Sorting

Another no-brainer 🙃🧠 Choose the way you want your Queue and Decks sorted.


Version 2.10 🚀

Mesmerizing Review Flow

video speed x 4

Our Today's Queue is key to great results. We wanted to create a mesmerizing (yet subtle) experience that submerges you in a review flow. We think we've got it. This version adds subtle gradient animation and sound effects 🔊



Streaks is another mental tool in keeping us in Today's Queue flow. Rules are simple :

Each completion of Today's Queue gives you one streak ⚡️

Every seven streaks give you one frost ❄️

Frost can be used to skip a day without losing a streak

Add Local NeuraCache Cards with tags


Starting with this version, you can create cards directly in the NeuraCache app and group them using tags.

Lots of Design/UX tweaks

This version standardizes many design details — how all screen modals behave, the coloring of links, buttons, etc.

Version 2.9 🚀

Today's Queue Daily Limit

Too many cards to review in the queue? This feature will help. You can cap the number of cards in the queue to any number you like.

If you reach that number, optionally, you can still review more cards if you have the time, and some cards need reviewing.

Design and UX changes

In this version, we have standardized a lot of UI/UX things. Improved the bottom sheet behavior and size, revamped the premium page, split Home settings into two, and many more. The overall experience is so much better now 👌

Version 2.8 🚀

Markdown One-Line and Micro Card Support

There are two new ways to add a flashcard in your markdown files. Previously only "Regular Flashcards" were possible.

One-Line Cards simplify the creation of atomic cards by compacting them into a one-line.

Micro Cards allow you to substitute the #flashcard tag with ⚡️ emoji (also 🧠 is supported).

Both new types use the following format <question> : <answer> #tags.

A full specification with examples is available here:


Version 2.7 🚀

Latex Support

Latex support is finally here — works beautifully with Roam Research and various Markdown editors like Obsidian, Typora, etc. Have a look at this video for a sneak peek 👀

♥️🧠 Marcin

Version 2.6 🚀

Roam Research: "Delete Missing Cards" switch

As we are waiting for the Roam Research API, this small feature allows mimicking Roam graph sync via the current import process.

Currently, when you export from Roam Research and import to the NeuraCache app, NeuraCache performs two operations:

  1. find and add new blocks
  2. find and update existing blocks and their children

Therefore, deleting a flashcard/spaced block in the Roam Research graph will not be reflected in the NeuraCache app when importing. You will need to delete the card manually inside NeuraCache.

The reason for this is that NeuraCache does not know if you are importing the whole graph via "Export All" or just a page with "Export".

If you are using the "Export All" in Roam, you can enable the new "Delete Missing Cards" switch in NeuraCache. When enabled, NeuraCache will remove cards that exist in NeuraCache, but were not found in the imported file.


This will result in sync-like behavior: creating/updating/deleting blocks.

♥️🧠 Marcin

Version 2.5 🚀

Markdown: Sync Folder

There is still a long way to make markdown sync seamless for all of our users (google drive, onedrive, dropbox), but this is a good start 😎

You can now specify a Root Folder on your iPhone for your markdown files (like Obsidian), ideally synced via iCloud (or some other mechanism). NeuraCache will remember it and sync your files a few times a day. You can also manually sync the folder using the "Sync Folder" button.


iOS 14 Support

We are keeping up with the future 😎

There were a couple of bugs (mostly visual) related to iOS 14.

All should be 👍 now.

iOS 12 Support

We do not forget about the past ( this is a memory app! 😅 )

NeuraCache 2.5 is available for iOS 12 (previously only 13+).

♥️🧠 Marcin

Version 2.4 🚀

Roam Research: Support for aliases in links 👌

All types of links should now be supported:

  • ![alias][image web link]
  • ![alias][uploaded image]
  • [alias][web link]
  • [alias](((block id)))

Also, you can now reference images from the web directly.

  • ![][image web link]

Roam Research: Embed 👌

NeuraCache can recognize embeds like this

{embed: ((block id))}

Now, NeuraCache also supports the default embed that is created via "/" key.


{[[embed]]: ((block id))}

Markdown: Support for aliases in links + web images 👌

All types of links should now be supported, including these:

  • ![alias][image web link]
  • ![][image web link]