Micro & Two-Sided Cards

Micro & Two-Sided Cards

So far, we’ve introduced the following cards:

One-Liner :

question : answer #flashcard #optional-tag

Regular Flashcard :

question #flashcard #optional-tag

complex answer (images, latex, code-blocks)

- - -

If you are unfamiliar with them — please have a look here 👉  Simple Deck of Flashcards

NeuraCache has two more types of flashcards that give you complete freedom to create your cards. The first one is a straightforward extension to the existing One-Liner card, it’s called 👇


They are essentially the same as One-Liner cards but let you use emoji instead of #flashcard tag. For emoji, you can use either ⚡️ or 🧠

question : answer ⚡️


⌥⌘⏎: open in new pane ⚡️

Micro-Cards are great for github .README files and places where #flashcard will look weird. See this video for a quick example of a One-Liner and Micro Card

The last type of card is a👇

Two-Sided Flashcard

So far, we could only use a single text line as a question.

What if we would like an image as a question or text with latex or code-blocks?

This is where Two-Sided Flashcard comes in handy 👌

Two-Sided Flashcard enables the front of the card to be as complex as the back of the card

#flashcard #optional-tags
Question (images, latex, code-blocks)
- - - 
Answer (images, latex, code-blocks)
- - -


#flashcard #git
What does this command do?
git clean -nfd 
- - - 
remove current untracked files/directories
d - directories
f - files
n - show result first
- - -

That’s it


Spaced Repetition Cards