Simple Deck of Flashcards

Simple Deck of Flashcards

STEP 1: Create a Note

Start your Markdown Editor (Obsidian, Craft, Typora, Bear, etc) and create a new note. The title of the note does not matter, but let’s call it “Flashcards” 👍

Let’s add our first, simple card by typing:

max speed of a cat : 30 mph #flashcard

Done. We have our first card.

This is a One-Liner card — because it fits into a single line 🙂

The pattern for one-liners is:

Question : Answer #flashcard

(you can customize the “:” separator and the #flashcard tag later in the app settings)

Let’s add a second card to the same file.

This time the answer will have several lines — so we cannot use a one-liner approach

How many people die from snake bites annually? #flashcard
Around ~81.000 - ~138.000
people die each year from snake bites
- - - 

This is a Regular Card

A regular card can have a simple textual question and a very complex answer (including images, latex, code-blocks, etc.)

The pattern for a Regular Card is:

Question #flashcard
- - -

(for the ending horizontal line you can use “- - -”, “---”, “***” or “* * *”)

Let’s now import the cards we’ve just created

STEP 2: Import cards to NeuraCache

  1. Go to the NeuraCache Sources page
  2. Tap “Import Markdown File”
  3. Select the .md file you’ve just created

Done. You should see your cards in the Cards tab 👌

Here is a sample .md file with the 2 cards


STEP 3: Review in NeuraCache

Either using Today’s Queue (free) or via the Study tab (premium)


That's it.

Hopefully, you can see the potential already.

Notice that you can have multiple flashcards in between the text.

This is great for making notes and creating Flashcards as you go.


You can create many cards scattered in various notes and notebooks.


Grouping Cards from Multiple Files