
Why NeuraCache?

Hey 👋

My name is Marcin, and I'm a life-long learner.

Since I can remember, I've been frustrated with the thought that most of the valuable insights we learn vanish from our memory within a month or two.

Like everyone else, my digital note stacks kept growing. Buried in-between clipped articles and highlights were curated book takeaways that took many hours to read and organize — all that wisdom, sitting there, unused.

I've been pondering on this ineffectiveness for many years.

Now I'm older and a bit smarter (I hope). I wish I knew back then in my 20s what I now know about learning and how our brains work.

People that will have the edge over everyone else in upcoming decades are the ones who will have the ability to atomize and internalize valuable insights directly in their brains — additionally to creating notes/bullets in tools like Evernote, Roam, Obsidian, OneNote, etc.

That will give them an unmatched speed of neurons when retrieving and mixing ideas on the spot. There is no software/hardware currently that gets even close to what your brain does in this context, and very few are taking advantage of this.

Imagine a world where all the insights you care about would continuously compound in your brain, giving you incredible superpowers in every discussion, every brainstorming session.

This is why I've created NeuraCache — a cache for neurons. (In computing, Cache is a memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible)

A tool that facilitates the process of creating curated long-term memory 🧠


🧠How it works? (simple theory)

