


API Sync

In the NeuraCache app, go-to sources, scroll down to OneNote and tap Connect.

Enter your email/username and password.

Once you are connected, choose the sections you would like to observe.

NeuraCache will extract the cards and then observe the changes (efficiently, every few hours) in the background so that you don't have to do anything.

By default, NeuraCache will sync your Full Pages, but you can disable this behavior using the switch in the settings.

Known Issue: Authenticator App

NeuraCache currently does not support connecting via the Microsoft Authenticator app. If you have one, uninstall it. Then connect NeuraCache. You can install the Authenticator app again afterward if you want to.

Inline Flashcards


  • Write a Question in a single line.
  • Mark the line with a ? tag (it cannot be the first line in a block)
  • Write an Answer in the line below (text only)

Regular Flashcards


  • Create a new block by writing a Question as a first line.
  • Mark the line with a ? tag (it must be the first line in a block)
  • Write an Answer beneath. Text and images can be used.